See Lauren Lyle in Indie murder thriller ‘Mercy Falls’ in Cinemas
‘Mercy Falls’ is a tense and terrifying psychological thriller follows a tight-knit group of friends – Rhona, Heather, Scott, Donnie and Andy who arrive in the Scottish Highlands in search of a long-lost family cabin… but their trip turns into a nightmare when a fatal accident leads to suspicion, bloody betrayal and brutal murder.
As they travel deeper into the wilderness their journey takes an unexpected turn when the group pick up hitchhiker Carla and bring her along for the ride… but it quickly becomes apparent that things aren’t quite what they seem…
Arriving at their destination with tensions building and love triangles forming, battle lines are drawn and things take a sinister turn. With revelations abound, the stakes grow higher and a ferocious fight for survival ensues… will anyone make it out alive?
L&C’s superb Lauren Lyle stars as Rhona in ‘Mercy Falls’ – available exclusively on Tubi in the US and Canada, plus UK Cinemas from 1st Sept.